One thing us 99%ers seem to agree on is that we can't wait any longer to take back our democracy from the super-humanly wealthy and the fictitious persons that serve their narrow economic interests. But while struggling to occupy public places and front offices has been a crucial first step in our re-empowerment, I'd like to humbly suggest that the 99% in fact has every right to be Occupying the corporate boardrooms.
Ignorance and apathy are all that's keeping representatives of the 99%'s interests from holding seats on the boards of America's most powerful corporations. Feel free to consider that a challenge.
As a socially responsible investor, I think a lot about how corporations are governed and how they could be governed to better serve the 99% while increasing the financial returns of my clients. I credit the Occupy movement for the realization that "shareholder's rights," is the wrong label for what I do. What I really do is try to democratize corporations.
The big companies that my firm invests in are not democratic. But they should be.